Friday, June 17, 2011

The journey begins

Call it silly, but one day it struck me that we didn't have to spend all the money we do on "necessities" like cable, entertainment, or vacations. The average family spends a lot of money on these things. We really can't afford to do these things as long as I stay at home with the children. Leaving them to go to work is not an option for us right now for many reasons. There has got to be cheaper options that will leave my family just as satisfied. I am determined to stop our money from hemmorhaging out of our wallets at such a fast rate. My husband works hard and I think he deserves to see a bank account with some fat numbers in it. I have already started my journey to frugal, but I have only taken baby steps. I am about to get much more cutthroat. I think that if we are as frugal as we can be, my husband won't have to work so hard and we will be able to provide our children the life they deserve. Some may call me cheap, boring, or a homebody because of the changes I will make. I am going to just ignore them, because frankly they're not paying for my kids, my bills or paying down our debt. Boy is there a lot of debt. I am going to be as honest as I am comfortable with in this blog. Prepare to see some pictures of the clutter and things I have accrued because I "needed" them. Its ugly, or at least I think so. Money wasted on an item I "had" to have and now collects dust. So if I don't truly love it, need it, or use it; I'm tossing, donating or selling it.

Another reason I am going frugal is to simplify and declutter. It would be less stressful and freeing if we didn't own so much. We live in as small a space as comfortable to save money and all the things we have gained over the years have frankly become an eyesore and a hindrance. Letting go of things would make it easier to clean and find things, ultimately saving time. Time is something I could always use more of.

This blog is going to chronicle my struggles, roadblocks and successes on the journey to a simple, decluttered and of course frugal life.

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