Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Hiatus is ended

It has beena long time since I blogged and I am SO GLAD to be back at it. I took a short hiatus due to no longer having internet in the house. We got rid of the internet because it was an extra expense. We did a lot of our surfing on our phones and it just didn't make sense to spend the extra money. I really wanted to keep blogging, but it is near impossible to blog religiously on a phone even if you get the app for that. But things are about to change. I have to decided to take online classes and the internet will be coming back to this humble home very soon.

I have done a few frugal things since I last blogged. One thing I did was to tie rubberbands around all the soap dispenser's necks so everybody could only get so much soap per pump. I know that it might sound silly, but I am going to try every reasonable change I can to save a penny no matter how small. My husband has since converted us all to the foaming dispensers, he takes the refill for the regular soap and mixes it with water and its the perfect mix. We do not sacrifice cleaning ability and the refill lasts an even longer time now. I haven't put rubber bands around the necks of these dispensers because they just don't seem as wasteful. I even let my oldest pump it a couple times because she finds it to be fun. I won't be lecturing her about wastefullness when it is just foam. Not to mention that I no longer have to chase after her and her palms that are leaving sticky soap residue prints everywhere. The pre-foamed soap is definitely easier for a small child to rinse off. I am so glad to have figured out another way to save a penny that works for us.

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